DECEIT UNCOVERED: FBI’s story on Las Vegas bomber Falls Apart

Smells on CIA PsyOp – Extensive IDs found in burnt car – Wrong corpse - DNI likely to be faked


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As a grizzled and cynical old dude, there are few things I look forward to more than a coming takedown of Bari "Cancel Culture Queen" Weiss.

Regardless of what you end up writing, I have always had serious doubts about not just the nonsense story of Bin Laden engaging in a firefight or using a human shield, but the whole "buried at sea according to Islamic law" bullshit. There's a damn good reason they set out to kill and not capture him, and it's almost certainly because his role in 9/11 is far different than what's been presented for over 20 years.

Plus, isn't Al Qaeda like our frenemy again? At least in Syria.

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I've been slowly putting together the Lake-Weiss story for months, it's a true labor of love.

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Ken you might want to reach out to Scott Ritter about Gaubatz.

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Keenly awaiting the follow up!

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I blame jews

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Can’t you just say something like right-wing scumbag paper rather than resorting to anti-Semitic tropes like “Mossad Daily”? Really depressing to hear that shit coming from a guy named Silverstein.

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Ummmm...Mossad Daily is anti-Semitic? Would it also be anti-Semitic to say he's a mouthpiece for Israeli intelligence? Because it means the exact same thing, have zero idea what your criticism is.

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You were referring to the Washington Times, right?

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