Stephens’ ideological aim is always to undermine the left. He thinks he is using clever meta-cognitive wit and moral gravitas, but really he is just constructing strawman arguments. He’s neither intelligent nor moral enough to see that. He’s just a company man of the mind.
Nah, lol. There's a distinct difference in killing in self defense and cold blooded murdering someone. One is necessary the other isn't. And the ruling class has been mass murdering us for fucking centuries and our species never learns😞
But, they did allow comments for this. A lot, before shutting down. Even the well mannered bending over backwards (and forwards) PMC reader collectively held up a middle finger to this guy.
I've tried a lot of different ways to express what a noxious piece of shit Stephens is in the comments sections of his articles and of course it's impossible. I get canceled. Stephens is their Stephen Miller, the ultimate self-proving asshole, the equivalent of notarization being that he enjoys being a dick.
Brooks tries not to be and Douthat can't help it. While they all suck Stephens owns being a turd, doesn't care that he's wrong and lives to get under the skin of the decent people he hates because they don't despise themselves the way Bret does. He drips contempt, a sure sign of self-loathing and insecurity.
In his NYT columns columns he shows that he is a supporter of Israel’s perpetuation of genocide in Gaza and a propaganda mouthpiece of Israel who will lie and distort facts. But he is just a reflection of the NYT and the rest of MSM which does the same.
I agree he is actually much worst. it would be analogous to the NYT having Joseph Goebbels as a columnist when Germany was committing its genocide against Jews!
Stevens discounted climate change for two decades. He changed his mind long after the majority of conservatives had long stopped saying "I am not a scientist..." when he took a recent trip to Greenland and personally saw the glaciers melting into vast rivers. It was at that point I confirmed what I suspected for a long time that his brain was pickeled in MAGA juice,
I quit the NYT because of their devotion to the rapist/felon. But Stephens is a one of a kind blood lusting Jew, which is what their trump audience just love. Most people I know or communicate sre also long gone from this rag. Everything trump touches dies.
A while back, when I still subscribed to the NYTimes, in Bret & Gail’s breezy talk, Bret actually floated the idea that after the age of 80 Medicare should cut off care for certain diseases like cancer & other stuff. He actually something to Gail like, “Don’t tell my mom.” The NYTimes printed that. So GOP raises retirement age to 70 & cuts off healthcare at 80. Nice country we have here.
After reading Stephens’ odious column - reacting the same as you — I was surprised when, watching the PBS Newshour the same day, or the next [cant recall, as I was travelling], I saw David Brooks [in the “two sided” colloquy section, with Ruth Marcus providing “left” commentary instead of the usual Jonathan Capehart banalities] directly quote Stephens, without attribution, when Mangione was mentioned. He literally quoted the headline — who’s the real working class hero? - as if this nonsense was his own idea. Somewhat amusing to think of Stephens as Brooks’ guru on such matters…
No, No, No. The final lines are dead wrong. Murder is the unjustified killing of a human being. The possible basis for justification are embodied in State law and do not include anything resembling anger at the behavior of a predatory corporate actor. There is no moral equivalent, there is no justification; period. We have already gone too far down the road of weighing human life against various consequences to justify murder as a tool for social reform. The deconstruction of the NYT dweeb’s column was excellent.
Man you nailed it. Fuck Bret Stephens. Totalfraudbedbug.
Stephens’ ideological aim is always to undermine the left. He thinks he is using clever meta-cognitive wit and moral gravitas, but really he is just constructing strawman arguments. He’s neither intelligent nor moral enough to see that. He’s just a company man of the mind.
That pretty much sums it up!
It wasn't murder. It was SELF DEFENSE. The ruling class is MURDERING us for fun and profit and we have the RIGHT TO DEFEND OURSELVES.
I dunno, sometimes I think murder just has a bad reputation.
Nah, lol. There's a distinct difference in killing in self defense and cold blooded murdering someone. One is necessary the other isn't. And the ruling class has been mass murdering us for fucking centuries and our species never learns😞
In any case, there hasn’t been a trial yet, so no crime has been proven.
The NYT wouldn't allow comments on that one.
That goes to show dissent isn’t an option. It’s a propaganda piece.
But, they did allow comments for this. A lot, before shutting down. Even the well mannered bending over backwards (and forwards) PMC reader collectively held up a middle finger to this guy.
UnitedHealth Group C.E.O.: The Health Care System Is Flawed. Let’s Fix It.
"Let's fix it". The cajones on the guy.
I've tried a lot of different ways to express what a noxious piece of shit Stephens is in the comments sections of his articles and of course it's impossible. I get canceled. Stephens is their Stephen Miller, the ultimate self-proving asshole, the equivalent of notarization being that he enjoys being a dick.
Brooks tries not to be and Douthat can't help it. While they all suck Stephens owns being a turd, doesn't care that he's wrong and lives to get under the skin of the decent people he hates because they don't despise themselves the way Bret does. He drips contempt, a sure sign of self-loathing and insecurity.
Love it, great observations. He probably is brimming with self-hatred but in fairness to the poor guy, if were Bret Stephens I would hate myself too.
In his NYT columns columns he shows that he is a supporter of Israel’s perpetuation of genocide in Gaza and a propaganda mouthpiece of Israel who will lie and distort facts. But he is just a reflection of the NYT and the rest of MSM which does the same.
A reflection, but usually far worse IMO.
I agree he is actually much worst. it would be analogous to the NYT having Joseph Goebbels as a columnist when Germany was committing its genocide against Jews!
Dudes just not that smart. But everyone in his whole life told him he was for years and years and so he believes it.
Stevens discounted climate change for two decades. He changed his mind long after the majority of conservatives had long stopped saying "I am not a scientist..." when he took a recent trip to Greenland and personally saw the glaciers melting into vast rivers. It was at that point I confirmed what I suspected for a long time that his brain was pickeled in MAGA juice,
That’s called ‘being taken to the woodshed’.
Excellent piece of writing.
Thank you, appreciate that!
I quit the NYT because of their devotion to the rapist/felon. But Stephens is a one of a kind blood lusting Jew, which is what their trump audience just love. Most people I know or communicate sre also long gone from this rag. Everything trump touches dies.
A while back, when I still subscribed to the NYTimes, in Bret & Gail’s breezy talk, Bret actually floated the idea that after the age of 80 Medicare should cut off care for certain diseases like cancer & other stuff. He actually something to Gail like, “Don’t tell my mom.” The NYTimes printed that. So GOP raises retirement age to 70 & cuts off healthcare at 80. Nice country we have here.
After reading Stephens’ odious column - reacting the same as you — I was surprised when, watching the PBS Newshour the same day, or the next [cant recall, as I was travelling], I saw David Brooks [in the “two sided” colloquy section, with Ruth Marcus providing “left” commentary instead of the usual Jonathan Capehart banalities] directly quote Stephens, without attribution, when Mangione was mentioned. He literally quoted the headline — who’s the real working class hero? - as if this nonsense was his own idea. Somewhat amusing to think of Stephens as Brooks’ guru on such matters…
We may all be eating the equivalent of dog food when FDA regulations are gutted when ( by God forbid) Kennedy and DOGE are enpaneled
No, No, No. The final lines are dead wrong. Murder is the unjustified killing of a human being. The possible basis for justification are embodied in State law and do not include anything resembling anger at the behavior of a predatory corporate actor. There is no moral equivalent, there is no justification; period. We have already gone too far down the road of weighing human life against various consequences to justify murder as a tool for social reform. The deconstruction of the NYT dweeb’s column was excellent.
Bret Stephens is one of the reasons that I cancelled my NYT subscription. He's a tone deaf entitled creep.
This made me laugh first thing in the morning. I’m so glad I open up Substack when I wake up now instead of the NYT.