Somebody should educate themselves Fallugah was about four blackwater contractors.


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Trump dangerous? He was pretty much a beached whale when he was in office first time around, largely ineffective, most of the time fighting off impeachment and treason charges with official Washington assuring the public that the “adults are still in charge.” Is he going to be any different second time around? Who knows.

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Thanks. Good work. In my somewhat well educated opinion on Russia, Ukraine and "Russiagate", you're 99% correct. "Putin" or "Russia" (to use the terms in the un-nuanced way of the MSM and DC political establishment) *may* have tried to influence the outcome of the 2016 election, but we have no evidence proving that - AND - even if we had more than some $150,000 worth of Facebook posts (most of which weren't even about the presidential race and were seen AFTER the election) - the level of effort they did expend was *far* less than Israel and Ukraine, just to name two. There was way more meddling on behalf of Democrats coming from the Ukrainian direction than Russia allegedly did for Trump/Republicans (Israel/Adelson picked up that slack). https://consortiumnews.com/2019/12/02/yes-ukraine-meddled-in-the-2016-us-election/

Furthermore, I think Putin has since stated that they actually *preferred* a Hillary presidency!

Personally, the DNC emails showing manipulation in the primaries did affect my vote, or at least cemented my decision not to vote for Hillary "We came, we saw, he died...cackle" Clinton. I don't live in a swing state though, so it didn't matter at all in the end. But more than that, watching the conclusion of the 2016 DNC convention that night on TV made me vomit in my mouth a few times. Felt like they could've swapped Bush and Cheney up on the stage and it would have been the 2004 GOP.

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Also, I think you may have meant "shortly before Trump's inauguration" and not "shortly before the election"...

"In late-2016, a group of Democratic oligarchs gathered outside the US to discuss ways to keep Russiagate going as part of an effort to stop Trump from taking office. Part of that effort came when BuzzFeed published the famous dossier with Fusion’s work on January 10, 2017, shortly before the election."

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Hey! Thanks for the messages, appreciate it, just saw them and corrected election to inauguration. May do a bit of additional tweaking based on your very astute remarks but can't look at it more carefully until later tonight. Thanks again!

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