Sadly, this is one of the most depressingly accurate paragraphs I’ve read in a good long while:

“As Americans know well, when tyrannical regimes conduct themselves in such a fashion it’s bound to result from time to time with the tree of liberty being refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants, and October 7 could certainly be seen as an example of that.

The particular events that day could also be viewed as an unfortunate display of how citizens of the tyrannical regime would surely be alive, and never been in harm’s way to begin with, had their enraged and unhinged leaders not squandered the heritage of the people they claim to represent with their bizarre choice to become the closest approximation to the Third Reich since the collapse of the Nazi regime in 1945 and the birth of Israel three years later.”

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On the "verboten in America" comments, etc.? Even more with books, right? You'd NEVER get an Ilan Pappe or Shlomo Sand published here.

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Ken, as always your tireless efforts to tell the truth are exemplary for both their rarity in our otherwise biased media and your personal bravery. Thank you

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For Americans, whatever happened in Israel before Oct. 7, 2023 has no historical reach or salience, given the massive pro-Israel, pro-Zionist propaganda effort anchored by, e.g., AIPAC, and embraced by both major American political parties. All those decades of Israeli throttling of Gaza - "the world's largest open-air prison" - was immediately pushed aside following the Hamas attack and resulting atrocities, and the brutal fact that "displacement" of Gaza Palestinians by coercion has been replaced by straight-up genocide has no purchase here in the States.

"Israel has a right to defend itself" is the code-phrase for extermination of Arab life within Israel's recognized borders, and efforts as undertaken by the ICC to hold the architects of mass slaughter to account are put down to the ever-familiar "anti-Semitism" cry, and as the US continues to bankroll this murderous apartheid state, Netanyahu and Likud are given carte blanche to - you know - "finish the job", and America watches passively as Israel's far-right government plans an eventual "population transfer" of Gaza and West Bank Palestinians to Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, wherever complaisant governments or failed-states can be "persuaded" to accept the several million DPs set for transfer.

These are the irrefutable "facts on the ground", and Israel's apologists can't sell it any other way.

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