Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger!

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The Dems are not led by politicians who get elected, but "operative" hacks who backstab and slug their way to the steering wheels. Politics has become big business with only a limited number of seats in the master control room.

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That’s how empires die. Too much greed and no general awareness.

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Yep. And US certainly has an excess of the former & none of the latter.

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He's called a Master at Foreign Policy and the Savior of the Rules Based Order??????

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Jill just doesn’t want to tell him he needs to give up the car keys

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Joe Biden modern day example of Shakespeare’s Hamlet dilemma:

“Should I stay or should I go”.

A distinctly America tragedy of a man who could not make up his mind.

A ubiquitous quality of the Democratic party.

“To be or not to be”.

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