In 1934, Congress launched an investigation into the activities of Ivy Lee, who’s often described as the “father of the modern public relations industry” and was best known for his work for the Rockefeller family and Corporate America.
The Saudis backed 9/11 and butchered a WP journalist and still Iran is America's biggest boogeyman. I have to say these sleaze ball lobbyists are getting the job done.
The Saudis backed 9/11 and butchered a WP journalist and still Iran is America's biggest boogeyman. I have to say these sleaze ball lobbyists are getting the job done.
Hello Ken and all. Please see/share our research and help us improve it if you can. Thank you!
Have all of these people registered as foreign agents with the government?
Not sure, check out Casey's book!
Thank you comrade.
My pleasure, comrade.