So, Ken, Matt Gaetz is asking Marco Rubio how to become a college prof?

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That's a story I'm late on but coming soon.

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That said, given what we're heard about Gaetz, he'd probably rather be teaching reproductive biology at Coral Gables High School instead of FIU?

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Nah, they are too old for Gaetz...

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The inherent power imbalance between a professor and an undergraduate removes “consensual” from the equation. Any other professor would be fired. What a disgusting POS.

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Totally agree. Giving a B to the student who declined is the icing on the cake of Rubio’s shitdom.

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It’s certainly consensual. If you get rid of power differentials, you get rid of sex because they are inherent in human sexual relations.

It’s not rape but it’s immoral, and all public universities now have policies that do not allow professors to have sex with current students or students that are likely to take their class in the future. As with therapists, physicians, attorneys, relationships with clients are certainly consensual and not rape but they are unethical.

I would argue that all statutory rape is not rape at all. It is illegal intercourse. Of course minors can consent to sex, surely with each other, and many to most states have decided that 16 and 17 year olds can consent to sex with adults.

The “minors can’t consent” lie is one of the most asinine beliefs in our supposedly intelligent society. It’s definitely not psychological science! In this respect most primitive peoples are far more intelligent than Americans pinheads.

Hell little kids can consent to sex. They can surely consent to childhood sex play, which is generally legal as it should be. Even molestation is not considered rape. Child rape is a separate and much worse offense.

The truth is simple. All these minors can psychologically consent to sex. That’s not controversial.

However in many cases they cannot LEGALLY consent to sex with adults. The terminology used is “meaningful consent.” Most teens and all children are not capable of providing “meaningful consent” to sex with adults, so it is illegal.

Society thinks adults are taking advantage of teens so they ban it. Society thinks no adult should have sex with a child (not a teenager and teenagers are not children anyway) because it is simply immoral and we don’t want to allow this behavior in our society. Also in 23% of cases molestation leads to serious or long lasting harm.

The feminist daffynition of rape expands every year. It is now as big as the Atlantic Ocean and it’s so vague that no one can define the word anymore. Feminist rape paranoia, hyperbole, and the mystification of rape have done nothing but worsen a chronic incurable problem.

As usual the feminists are fucking up again and only making bad problems even worse via hysteria, malice, unreason, and overreaction.

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Another “Grifting Orgasms Party” (GOP) family values phony - a piece of shit

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Do all of Trump’s picks have to qualify by being a hypocrite who thinks with his little head? Or is that just icing on the cake to being a loyalist toady.

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As far as I can tell, it is an actual job requirement

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After the ACA passed fair and square Rubio sabotaged it by defunding the risk corridor, one of many instances where his character shone forth. But the scumbags are having their day, and sooner or later they'll have us in the ditch. Maybe it's better we get it over with, and let the world see what Republicans stand for, as though it wasn't obvious already. But, alternative facts.

Those that support Rubio and the other vandals and saboteurs want to destroy us so we better quit with appeals to conscience. We have our Huns. They were already among us and within the walls. So, no Trojan Horse. We should rename the county the Condederate States of America out of respect the people who built and served the place and who led responsible lives.

But foreign agent and prominent Hun Mitch McConnell would no doubt block it to avoid blowing his cover. They're so near the final victory. Apartheid is back. And Democrats are the disenfranchised underclass.

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Isn’t Marco the one that’s been caught hanging out at night in parks that are known gay hook up spots?

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